Assalammualaikum and hi guys.
In the last day of KNU summer camp which is 19 July 2019, the farewell ceremony had be held in Global Plaza building. It was an exciting day as Prof Won, the Dean of International affairs KNU attend this ceremony and delivered certificates of completion KNU summer camp course to us. The ceremony started at 1pm after having spaghetti lunch.
KNU Summer Camp 2019 close ceremony. |
In KNU summer camp, there are many participants from various country join such as USA, Canada, Slovenia, Rusia, Thailand, China, and Taiwan. And they all are my friends. They are really friendly and kind. I will list their name here so that in the future I still can remember them. So, from the left is Kong, Tee, Liang, Anastacia, Prof Won, Me, Fizah, Daria, Ping, and Minseon. Behind them is Yujin, Kai Lai, Ian, Ohm, Yeon Gyul, Chris, Patrick, Jacob, and Yejin.
Ready to go to KNU Summer camp close ceremony. |
Prof Won Young Tak give a close ceremony speech. |
The ceremony started by a speech from Prof Won, the dean and continue with sharing experience session from other countries. For Malaysia, Fizah is the one that is representative to talk in front of the people. She talked about her story during her stay in Korea and experience visiting the Daegu & Busan. She also thanked the Korean buddy and teacher for being supportive and guided us during this program even though we are from differents culture.
Fizah representative of Malaysia give a speech about her experience in Korea. |
I received a certificate from Prof Won for completing Summer Camp course. |
So proud for myself. #lovemyself |
Performance from Thailand boys. |
Then, the ceremony continues with a song performance from Thailand boys. Their name is Ohm, Tee, Liang, and Kong. These boys really the funny and cheerful one. Then, our buddy prepared some montage video during the camp and the trip to Busan. It was a nice video.
I also get a flower. |
Ms Choi is so cute. |
Taking pictures with our teacher, Ms Choi Hyunju, Daria and Yujin. |
After that, there was a photo session. Ms. Choi is so cute. Ms. Choi Hyunju is the teacher that guided and accompanied us during all the activities in summer samp. She always takes care of me and Fizah. She makes sure we having fun and doing well every day. There was one day, the cafeteria that we usually had breakfast served meat menu on that day. Usually, they served buffet food. So, Fizah and I do not eat breakfast that day because usually, we eat only eggs, potatoes and vegetables. During lunch, Ms. Choi came to us after the class and treat us lunch at a halal restaurant near KNU campus. She also treats us bubble tea. I am so really thankful for her kindness and help.
Taking a picture with my Korean buddy, Minseon. Gonna miss her so much. |
My certificate and all my presents. Thank You, KNU! |
I have truly enjoyed the KNU summer camp. I learned a lot from this camp. I learned to be courageous, bold, acceptance, kind, patience, positive mind, adventurous and understood that all humans are the same with a big heart in each of us. Overall, I am happy during my stay in Korea. Korean people are really nice and their foods also really delicious. My first time visits Korea gives me a wonderful experience that I will never forget. Also, thank you UNIMAS for sponsor and had a collaboration with KNU in held such an amazing summer camp. Thank you so much.
I am usually writing my blog in Bahasa Melayu. But this time I decide to write in English so that they can found and read my writing and cherish our memories together. I hope my KNU Summer Camp post reach to them safely like a time machine. Thank you for all the moment we spent together especially in fulling my twenty-years-old with good memories. I will look forward to see you again in the future. Thank you for everything.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
I want to visit Korea too one day!! Andd Ms. Choi is indeed soo cute :3
ReplyDeleteWahhhh tahniahhh. Have a good experience at least once in your life is good enough kan. New friends new experience <3