About Me

You can call me Ain. 
26. Studied degree in Biotechnology at UNIMAS.
And I study Korean language preparation in Pai Chai University, Daejeon, Korea.
I proudly graduated in Master of Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Kookmin University, Seoul in 2023.
Part time blogger. Growing up in Kelantan, Malaysia.
I love to experience new things such as travel and trying extreme activities.
Nice to meet you.

How You Can Contact Me?

You can contact me through Instagram and email. Do follow me :

Instagram : @ainnsyahirah
Email : ainnsyahirahh@gmail.com

*If you have any question, do write an email to me instead pm through instagram. Because usually if you sent message through instagram, your message will go into Message Request which I rarely open and sometimes did not notice it. Thank you :D

Nice to see you and enjoys reading my blog :D