06 August 2019

Kyungpook National University (KNU) Summer Camp in Daegu, Korea

Assalammualaikm and hello, everyone!!

          Last month, around 1st till 20th July, I have involved in Exchange Student Program between University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Kyungpook National University (KNU) in KNU Summer camp in Daegu, Korea. This is a short-term program summer camp. Thus I spend 3 weeks learning Korean language and their cultures. In this summer camp, student around the world has joined this program. I met and make many friends from other countries such as Thailand, Russia, China, Taiwan, Canada, Slovenia, and USA. My friend, Fizah and I take Korean language. So, the schedule in this program is attending class in the morning and in the evening we do outdoor activities, culture programs and visited other places.

Pictures of us with certification during farewell ceremony.

Kyungpook National University located in Daegu, Korea!

          The KNU 3-week Global Summer School brings together students and academics for a unique intercultural experience through-provoking lectures of global issues and leadership. The KNU university is so big. The famous building is Global plaza building where the international affairs office are there. Our class also were conducted in this building. In the morning, we were provided free breakfast at famous bakery in front of KNU north gate, Tous le Jours bakery. People here are really kind and very helpful. They asked us if we had any problem during our stay and approach us first for help. They brought us to many interesting places and friendly Muslim food to eat around the university.

University north gate.

Busan downtown.

Breakfast with girlfriends.

          Cultural activities that we had experiences are Taekwondo, Hanbok & Tea Ceremony, K-pop dance, Korean cooking class, KNU & Daegu Scavenger Hunt, and Korean Movie Day. For the site visits, we had been guided to visit Gyeongju, Busan, Samsung Company, Daegu Museum & 83 Tower and Daegu Police Station. During the program, we were accompanied by our buddy. My buddy is Minseon. She is so cute and pretty too. This experience is valuable to me and I will share more detailed activities in the next post! Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. wow beruntung ain. tahniah.
    program terbaik gini.
    beri pendedahan kpd students.


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