06 October 2019

Personaliti Test : Who is the biggest fool?

Hi guys!

Scientists believe that people when trying to make sense of their lives, tend to focus on three main questions:

1. Who am I? 
2. Who do others think I am?
3. Who do I want to be? 

Personality tests help us find out the answers to these serious fundamental questions in a fun way. Your choice can reveal a lot about you. So, in the picture below choose the person that you see is the biggest fool :

The answer for your choice is :

a. Person 1
If you have chosen person #1 it means that you’re kind of a fatalist. You’d prefer to give up if you believe that the situation can’t be changed in any way possible. You would accept the current events and circumstances as they are. You never start an argument and in general you behave peacefully because fights and quarrels only make you upset. You have a big, kind heart and you value honesty the most. Stop thinking that everything is predetermined and remember that it’s you who creates your own destiny.

b. Person 2

If you went with option #2, you can be characterized as a person who often makes hasty decisions. So next time you have to make a decision, take your time and try to thoroughly analyze the overall situation first. You’re a bit stubborn and you never feel sorry about what’s left in the past. You take full responsibility for your decisions and depend only on yourself.

c. Person 3

So, you have chosen #3. You’re a real fighter! And sometimes you act impulsively and you never give up. You have a great ability to fight ’till the very end when it comes to defending your position and things you believe in. Coming up with new strategies and approaches is just your thing, and that’s why people like you usually make excellent business people and group leaders.

d. Person 4

If you picked person #4, it says a lot about your rebellious soul. You’re a true non-conformist who is ready to sacrifice even their own interests in order to prove something to someone. You believe in your principles and you think your point of view and your decision is always the best one. Remember that the diversity of opinions often gives a better understanding of a situation, so next time you’re about to start an argument, try to use all of your good sense and rationality.

Thanks for reading!

credit to brightside.me


  1. Ohooo menarik2. Mcm kena jugak la sikit hehehe real fighter ehh kikiki

  2. Hmmm.. terkesan pulak baca yang Person 4 tu hahaha XD

  3. myra pilih the 4th person. haha indeed selalu fikir mcm tu. #narcissist betul ya Allah

    quite a mind-opening piece of article. Thanks!


  4. saya pilih 4 . hmmm , macam betul je apa description nom 4 tu dengan diri sendiri . .

  5. so true! Kadang tu bila dah puas defend opinion sendiri baru sedar yang benda tu macam tak kena je hahaha


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